(Dads of Great Students)
Watch D.O.G.S. is a program that helps bring dads and other male role models into the school. Dads spend a day with their child at school and get to interact alongside the educators, to help as crossing guards, hallway monitors, library assistants, lunchroom helpers, classroom and homework tutors, and playground and gymnasium coaches. The possibilities are endless.
Jefferson County requires all crossing guard staff and volunteers to pass a training before they can report for duty. View the training presentation and then take the test here: Link to test You must score at least an 80% to be qualified, so please inquire your score before signing up. You can review the presentation and take the test as many times as you'd like.
Remember to arrive in the office around 8:40 in order to get your vest and walkie talkie and be symptom screened at the front door before you head to crosswalk duty. Your student(s) may not be in the crosswalk with you. Have them wait on the grass in front of the school.
All crossing guards are required to sign a Workers Comp Waiver as well. Please leave with the office staff.