Office Hours 7:15 - 3:05
 Soft  Start 7:35 - 7:45     Kindergarten - 5th Grades 7:45 - 2:35                   

            Full Day Preschool  8:00 - 2:30              AM Preschool 7:45- 10:45           PM Preschool 11:45 - 2:45          


2024-2025 School Year

Click here to enroll now! 

Online Registration/Updates August 1st - September 15th. 

Please make sure you login to the link above to register your child/children for the school year.
For families that need addition support with the enrollment/registration process, please call the hotline at (303)982-2372, email questions to [email protected], or visit the Ed Center from 9am-3pm for in person support. 

Update Info
ALL new and returning families must check your information in Infinite Campus and make sure it’s updated for the new school year.  Check that your email addresses are current, and be sure you have at least three other emergency contacts who we can call in an emergency if we cannot reach you. Also, check that any outstanding fees from last year are paid.

HERE for more information about Leawood Registration for 2024-2025.
Picture of Kids running

Online Fee Payment
The Online Fee Payment in now open for families to pay online.
Log into Infinite Campus
to make your payments.
Families that are eligible for free and reduced lunch should still complete a Student Benefits Application to receive other benefits and free access to district programs.
Apply Now: Student Benefits Application



Watchdog Dads and Marvelous Moms are a great way to get involved and help our staff, school, and community.  We are looking for at least one parent a day to sign up for crosswalk duty as well as support throughout the day.  All crosswalk helpers must take our district training and take the test as well as attend a parent meeting on our emergency procedures. Look for an information night coming in August. Please contact our "Top Dog", Matt Goman, with any questions. You may use this link to sign up: Watchdog Dad/Marvelous Moms Sign Up 

Leawood follows all district safety plans and emergency procedures.
Here are our Five Standard Response Protocols . In addition, here are other reminders:
* All doors will remain secured at all times
* Visitors must come through the front doors and check in at the office
* Be sure to bring a picture identification
* Leawood is a NO PAWS zone, which means no dogs allowed during school hours
For more information, check our District website here:
Jeffco Security and Emergency


This website brings together multiple sources of data, making it easy to view information that provides a more complete picture of each Jeffco school. School leaders, educators, school accountability committees, families, and others can use this information to quickly identify things that are working well in a school and areas to work together on school improvements. To view Leawood's data, click on the link below, and in the top left grey box, select a school by using the down arrow and changing from the District Summary.

Quick Links

Leawood's Mission

At Leawood
We discover, inspire, and grow... 

Latest Newsletter
    Picture of face reading news   
Click here for: Monthly Newsletters

Colorado Crisis Services is the statewide behavioral health crisis response system offering residents mental health, substance use and/or emotional crisis help, information and referrals. Its mission is to strengthen Colorado’s mental health system by providing the people of Colorado with greater access to crisis services wherever they are at, 24/7/365, regardless of ability to pay. No matter what you’re going through, help is available. Call Colorado Crisis Services at 844-493-TALK (8255) or text TALK to 38255. Learn more at

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Thanks to our Accountability Committee, we created two documents to better communicate with you the process for resolving complaints or problems, and to inform you of the legal rights of children and families.


Website by SchoolMessenger Presence. © 2024 SchoolMessenger Corporation. All rights reserved.